
QR Fortune Cookies
As a freelance project for David Chang, my partner and I helped launch his new magazine and app. One way was to distribute content through fortune cookies in his restaurants.


Don’t Suck at Eating – video promo
Super slow motion shots of people eating badly, ending with a simple CTA to “Stop Sucking at Eating” with the new Food App from David Chang.


Mario Batali Dis
They are friends. So we were going to invite Mario to create a YouTube video dissing David Chang’s “super lame stupid food app” to create the appearance of a jealous feud.


Celebrity Look-Alikes
You can hire celebrity look-alikes and we wanted to create a series of fake “sightings” in David Chang’s restaurants to generate some buzz. Bill Gates can’t get anyone to take his order, Tom Cruise can’t handle his spicy food etc…


First Time Momofuku Eaters
Momofuku is amazing food, but it’s not necessarily kid-friendly. We thought it could be fun to promote the app by showing kid’s real reactions as they try some of his more exotic dishes.


Stevie Wang
We thought David Chang should have an arch enemy. Somebody who claims he is the better chef and is constantly attacking David Chang in social media claiming all this food ideas are actually his.
